Sunday, October 25, 2009

I’m reading the book Hercules. Hercules is a strong young man, he is so strong because his father is Zeus. the king of Greek gods. Hercules at the young age of 13 chose a life of hardship. And in later days it came back to haunt him, he killed his own wife and children. Then his father Zeus made him go into slavery for his cousin King Eurystheus. King Eurytheus was a harsh man and made Hercules kill the hydra and a crazed lion that killed children. After Hercules gave the king the Erymanthean boar the king gave Hercules to King Augeas. King Augeas gave Hercules the task of cleaning out his massive stables over 1 mile long. The animals never were let out and the stables were filled with massive piles of dung. Hercules found a solution to the problem he made a dam with rocks and tree trunks and diverted the river to the stables. The river washed everything clean. King Augeas was amazed as he should have been. Hercules over came all the obstacles that were thrown his way and he had a hard life.

Troy Mole

I always loved my name, ever since I was four and my brother told me it was an ancient Greek castle. I used to love medieval things and mostly Greeks. So when I learned that my name was after a castle I loved it. Even though the Greeks trying to conquer it burned it to the ground. I still liked it in a way it shows courage because of the men that stood up to defend it. This name has grown into my and I like it more, and more each year. But at first I wanted some thing normal or my brothers Ryan. But then it changed to some name that my cousin came up with Zabrack, then I realized it wasn’t normal so I liked Troy again and it has stayed Troy for now.